"Perspective" Message card #6
Casa Malaparte (1937) | Adalberto Libera / Curzio Malaparte
Illustration by Makiko Minowa | Selected & Text by Mari Shimazaki
イラストレーション:箕輪 麻紀子 | 選定・文 :島﨑 真梨
7.4 x 10.5 cm, Set of 5 message cards, Offset print
Production date: September 2021


The glass showcases that expanded from the World Exposition as boxes for translating foreign cultures, and the cute tigers that painters imagined and copied to depict tigers that did not yet exist in Japan during the Edo period. Imagination has always been able to bring us things that we have never seen before. I hoped that the artist would paint the architecture that we cannot see now for various reasons.

The building that was the setting for Jean-Luc Godard's film "Contempt" (1963) starring Brigitte Bardot. I heard that it is now privately owned and you cannot visit the area or the interior, but I would like to see it from a boat with a glass of chilled white wine in my hand.


ブリジット・バルドー出演ジャン・リュック・ゴダールの映画『軽蔑』(1963年)の舞台となった建物。 現在は私有されており周辺や内部の見学はできないらしいが、いつか船から冷えた白ワイン片手に眺めてみたい。

Makiko Minowa 箕輪麻紀子
Illustrator. She works in advertisements, books, magazines, etc.

Mari Shimazaki 島﨑 真梨
President of studio mari shimazaki. Designing architecture and fixtures, sometimes creating objects.
studio mari shimazaki 主宰。建築・什器設計、ときどきオブジェ制作。